The value of exports of commodity group 9403 "Other furniture and parts thereof" from Egypt totalled $ 261 million in 2023. Sales of commodity group 9403 from Egypt went up by 58% compared to 2022: exports of commodity group 9403 "Other furniture and parts thereof" went up by $ 96 million (cumulative exports of commodity group 9403 from Egypt amounted $165 million in 2022)
Exports of commodity group 9403 "Other furniture and parts thereof" amounted to 0.62% of total exports from Egypt (cumulative merchandise exports from Egypt totalled $ 42 billion in 2023). The share of commodity group 9403 in total exports from Egypt increased by 0.278 p.p. compared to 2022 (it was 0.342% in 2022 and cumulative exports from Egypt were equal to $ 48 billion).
Exports of commodity group 9403 amounted to 88% of total sales of group "" from Egypt in 2023 (the value of exports of commodity group from Egypt amounted to $295 million in 2023). The share of exports of commodity group 9403 in sales of commodity group from Egypt increased by 2.95 p.p. compared to 2022 (it was 85% in 2022, and exports of commodity group from Egypt were $192 million).
Where does Egypt export Other furniture and parts thereof?
Top export destinations of "Other furniture and parts thereof" from Egypt in 2023:
- Saudi Arabia with a share of 29% (76 million US$)
- Libya with a share of 11.1% (29 million US$)
- Iraq with a share of 10.8% (28 million US$)
- United Arab Emirates with a share of 10.7% (27 million US$)
- Sudan with a share of 10.2% (26 million US$)
- Oman with a share of 3.68% (9.62 million US$)
- USA with a share of 3.28% (8.56 million US$)
- Qatar with a share of 1.6% (4.19 million US$)
- Algeria with a share of 1.47% (3.84 million US$)
- Germany with a share of 1.37% (3.58 million US$)
Exports structure of 9403 - Other furniture and parts thereof - from Egypt in 2023 represented by the following main commodity groups:
- 74% (194 million US$): 940360 - Wooden furniture (excl. of 94.01 & 9403.30-9403.50)
- 11.6% (30 million US$): 940320 - Metal furniture (excl. of 94.01 & 94.02)
- 7.77% (20 million US$): 940370 - Furniture of plastics (excl. of 94.01)
- 2.97% (7.77 million US$): 940330 - Wooden furniture of a kind used in offices
- 1.15% (3.01 million US$): 940350 - Wooden furniture of a kind used in the bedroom
- 1.04% (2.73 million US$): 940310 - Metal furniture of a kind used in offices
- 0.105% (275 thousand US$): 940340 - Wooden furniture of a kind used in the kitchen
The value of imports of commodity group 9403 "Other furniture and parts thereof" to Egypt totalled $ 94 million in 2023. Sales of commodity group 9403 to Egypt went up by 27% compared to 2022: imports of commodity group 9403 "Other furniture and parts thereof" went up by $ 20 million (the value of imports of commodity group 9403 to Egypt was equal to $73 million in 2022)
Imports of commodity group 9403 "Other furniture and parts thereof" accounted for 0.113% of total import flow to Egypt (in 2023, total imports to Egypt amounted to $ 83 billion). The share of commodity group 9403 in total imports to Egypt increased by 0.02 p.p. compared to 2022 (it was 0.092% in 2022 and cumulative imports to Egypt were equal to $ 79 billion).
Imports of commodity group 9403 reached 29% of total imports of group "" to Egypt in 2023 (imports of commodity group to Egypt totalled $316 million in 2023). The share of purchases of commodity group 9403 in total imports of commodity group to Egypt increased by 1.02 p.p. compared to 2022 (it was 28% in 2022, and imports of commodity group to Egypt accounted for $256 million).
Where does Egypt import Other furniture and parts thereof from?
Top trading partners (import of "Other furniture and parts thereof") of Egypt in 2023:
- Turkey with a share of 20% (19.4 million US$)
- China with a share of 18% (17 million US$)
- Italy with a share of 14.4% (13.5 million US$)
- Germany with a share of 7.55% (7.11 million US$)
- Poland with a share of 5.99% (5.63 million US$)
- USA with a share of 4.59% (4.32 million US$)
- Spain with a share of 4.31% (4.06 million US$)
- Netherlands with a share of 3.21% (3.02 million US$)
- France with a share of 1.78% (1.68 million US$)
- Lithuania with a share of 1.7% (1.6 million US$)
Imports structure of 9403 - Other furniture and parts thereof - to Egypt in 2023 represented by the following main commodity groups:
- 44% (41 million US$): 940360 - Wooden furniture (excl. of 94.01 & 9403.30-9403.50)
- 29% (27 million US$): 940320 - Metal furniture (excl. of 94.01 & 94.02)
- 5.57% (5.24 million US$): 940330 - Wooden furniture of a kind used in offices
- 5.35% (5.03 million US$): 940370 - Furniture of plastics (excl. of 94.01)
- 3.2% (3.01 million US$): 940310 - Metal furniture of a kind used in offices
- 2.71% (2.55 million US$): 940340 - Wooden furniture of a kind used in the kitchen
- 0.912% (857 thousand US$): 940350 - Wooden furniture of a kind used in the bedroom