The value of exports of commodity group 0714 "Manioc, arrowroot, salep, Jerusalem artichokes, sweet potatoes and similar roots and tubers with high starch or inulin content, fresh, chilled, frozen or dried, whether or not sliced or in the form of pellets; sago pith." from Philippines totalled $ 3.63 million in 2023. Sales of commodity group 0714 from Philippines went up by 5.33% compared to 2022: exports of commodity group 0714 "Manioc, arrowroot, salep, Jerusalem artichokes, sweet potatoes and similar roots and tubers with high starch or inulin content, fresh, chilled, frozen or dried, whether or not sliced or in the form of pellets; sago pith." went up by $ 184 thousand (cumulative exports of commodity group 0714 from Philippines amounted $3.45 million in 2022)
Exports of commodity group 0714 "Manioc, arrowroot, salep, Jerusalem artichokes, sweet potatoes and similar roots and tubers with high starch or inulin content, fresh, chilled, frozen or dried, whether or not sliced or in the form of pellets; sago pith." amounted to 0.004% of total exports from Philippines (cumulative merchandise exports from Philippines totalled $ 72 billion in 2023). The share of commodity group 0714 in total exports from Philippines decreased by 0 p.p. compared to 2022 (it was 0.004% in 2022 and cumulative exports from Philippines were equal to $ 78 billion).
Exports of commodity group 0714 amounted to 28% of total sales of group "" from Philippines in 2023 (the value of exports of commodity group from Philippines amounted to $12.8 million in 2023). The share of exports of commodity group 0714 in sales of commodity group from Philippines increased by 5.23 p.p. compared to 2022 (it was 23% in 2022, and exports of commodity group from Philippines were $14.9 million).
Top export destinations of "Manioc, arrowroot, salep, Jerusalem artichokes, sweet potatoes and similar roots and tubers with high starch or inulin content, fresh, chilled, frozen or dried, whether or not sliced or in the form of pellets; sago pith." from Philippines in 2023:
The value of imports of commodity group 0714 "Manioc, arrowroot, salep, Jerusalem artichokes, sweet potatoes and similar roots and tubers with high starch or inulin content, fresh, chilled, frozen or dried, whether or not sliced or in the form of pellets; sago pith." to Philippines totalled $ 619 thousand in 2023. Sales of commodity group 0714 to Philippines went up by 448% compared to 2022: imports of commodity group 0714 "Manioc, arrowroot, salep, Jerusalem artichokes, sweet potatoes and similar roots and tubers with high starch or inulin content, fresh, chilled, frozen or dried, whether or not sliced or in the form of pellets; sago pith." went up by $ 506 thousand (the value of imports of commodity group 0714 to Philippines was equal to $113 thousand in 2022)
Imports of commodity group 0714 reached 0.298% of total imports of group "" to Philippines in 2023 (imports of commodity group to Philippines totalled $207 million in 2023). The share of purchases of commodity group 0714 in total imports of commodity group to Philippines increased by 0.237 p.p. compared to 2022 (it was 0.06% in 2022, and imports of commodity group to Philippines accounted for $185 million).
Top trading partners (import of "Manioc, arrowroot, salep, Jerusalem artichokes, sweet potatoes and similar roots and tubers with high starch or inulin content, fresh, chilled, frozen or dried, whether or not sliced or in the form of pellets; sago pith.") of Philippines in 2023: