The value of exports of commodity group 0204 "Meat of sheep or goats, fresh, chilled or frozen." from Samoa totalled $ 65 thousand in 2023. (cumulative exports of commodity group 0204 from Samoa amounted $ in 2022)
Exports of commodity group 0204 "Meat of sheep or goats, fresh, chilled or frozen." amounted to 0.153% of total exports from Samoa (cumulative merchandise exports from Samoa totalled $ 42 million in 2023).
Exports of commodity group 0204 amounted to 20% of total sales of group "" from Samoa in 2023 (the value of exports of commodity group from Samoa amounted to $317 thousand in 2023).
Where does Samoa export Meat of sheep or goats, fresh, chilled or frozen.?
Top export destinations of "Meat of sheep or goats, fresh, chilled or frozen." from Samoa in 2023:
- Tokelau with a share of 90% (59 thousand US$)
- New Zealand with a share of 9.73% (6.4 thousand US$)
Exports structure of 0204 - Meat of sheep or goats, fresh, chilled or frozen. - from Samoa in 2023 represented by the following main commodity groups:
- 33% (21 thousand US$): 020422 - Meat of sheep (excl. lamb & carcasses), fresh/chilled, bone-in
- 25% (17 thousand US$): 020443 - Meat of sheep (excl. lamb), frozen, boneless
- 22% (14.7 thousand US$): 020410 - Carcasses/half-carcasses of lamb, fresh/chilled
- 9.73% (6.4 thousand US$): 020430 - Carcasses/half-carcasses of lamb, frozen
- 6.35% (4.17 thousand US$): 020442 - Meat of sheep (excl. lamb & carcasses), frozen, bone-in
- 2.13% (1.4 thousand US$): 020421 - Carcasses/half-carcasses of sheep (excl. lamb), fresh/chilled
The value of imports of commodity group 0204 "Meat of sheep or goats, fresh, chilled or frozen." to Samoa totalled $ 8.62 million in 2023. (the value of imports of commodity group 0204 to Samoa was equal to $ in 2022)
Imports of commodity group 0204 "Meat of sheep or goats, fresh, chilled or frozen." accounted for 1.82% of total import flow to Samoa (in 2023, total imports to Samoa amounted to $ 473 million).
Imports of commodity group 0204 reached 25% of total imports of group "" to Samoa in 2023 (imports of commodity group to Samoa totalled $34 million in 2023).
Where does Samoa import Meat of sheep or goats, fresh, chilled or frozen. from?
Top trading partners (import of "Meat of sheep or goats, fresh, chilled or frozen.") of Samoa in 2023:
- Australia with a share of 55% (4.78 million US$)
- New Zealand with a share of 23% (2 million US$)
- China with a share of 6.57% (567 thousand US$)
- USA with a share of 5.19% (448 thousand US$)
- Fiji with a share of 3.38% (292 thousand US$)
- Canada with a share of 1.6% (138 thousand US$)
- Hong Kong with a share of 1.27% (110 thousand US$)
- Thailand - 80 thousand US$
- Indonesia - 49 thousand US$
- Malaysia - 40 thousand US$
Imports structure of 0204 - Meat of sheep or goats, fresh, chilled or frozen. - to Samoa in 2023 represented by the following main commodity groups:
- 75% (6.49 million US$): 020443 - Meat of sheep (excl. lamb), frozen, boneless
- 19.4% (1.67 million US$): 020442 - Meat of sheep (excl. lamb & carcasses), frozen, bone-in
- 3.92% (338 thousand US$): 020422 - Meat of sheep (excl. lamb & carcasses), fresh/chilled, bone-in
- 0.521% (45 thousand US$): 020441 - Carcasses/half-carcasses of sheep (excl. lamb), frozen
- 0.283% (24 thousand US$): 020410 - Carcasses/half-carcasses of lamb, fresh/chilled
- 0.246% (21 thousand US$): 020430 - Carcasses/half-carcasses of lamb, frozen
- 0.24% (20 thousand US$): 020421 - Carcasses/half-carcasses of sheep (excl. lamb), fresh/chilled
- 0.045% (3.93 thousand US$): 020450 - Meat of goats, fresh/chilled/frozen