The value of exports of commodity group 8517 "Electrical apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy, including line telephone sets with cordless handsets and telecommunication apparatus for carrier-current line systems or for digital line systems; videophones" from Vietnam totalled $ 78 billion in 2022. Sales of commodity group 8517 from Vietnam went up by 7.98% compared to 2021: exports of commodity group 8517 "Electrical apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy, including line telephone sets with cordless handsets and telecommunication apparatus for carrier-current line systems or for digital line systems; videophones" went up by $ 5.8 billion (cumulative exports of commodity group 8517 from Vietnam amounted $72 billion in 2021)
Exports of commodity group 8517 "Electrical apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy, including line telephone sets with cordless handsets and telecommunication apparatus for carrier-current line systems or for digital line systems; videophones" amounted to 21% of total exports from Vietnam (cumulative merchandise exports from Vietnam totalled $ 370 billion in 2022). The share of commodity group 8517 in total exports from Vietnam decreased by 0.484 p.p. compared to 2021 (it was 21% in 2021 and cumulative exports from Vietnam were equal to $ 335 billion).
Exports of commodity group 8517 amounted to 55% of total sales of group "" from Vietnam in 2022 (the value of exports of commodity group from Vietnam amounted to $140 billion in 2022). The share of exports of commodity group 8517 in sales of commodity group from Vietnam increased by 0.605 p.p. compared to 2021 (it was 55% in 2021, and exports of commodity group from Vietnam were $131 billion).
Top export destinations of "Electrical apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy, including line telephone sets with cordless handsets and telecommunication apparatus for carrier-current line systems or for digital line systems; videophones" from Vietnam in 2022:
The value of imports of commodity group 8517 "Electrical apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy, including line telephone sets with cordless handsets and telecommunication apparatus for carrier-current line systems or for digital line systems; videophones" to Vietnam totalled $ 24 billion in 2022. Sales of commodity group 8517 to Vietnam went up by 2.54% compared to 2021: imports of commodity group 8517 "Electrical apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy, including line telephone sets with cordless handsets and telecommunication apparatus for carrier-current line systems or for digital line systems; videophones" went up by $ 617 million (the value of imports of commodity group 8517 to Vietnam was equal to $24 billion in 2021)
Imports of commodity group 8517 "Electrical apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy, including line telephone sets with cordless handsets and telecommunication apparatus for carrier-current line systems or for digital line systems; videophones" accounted for 6.92% of total import flow to Vietnam (in 2022, total imports to Vietnam amounted to $ 358 billion). The share of commodity group 8517 in total imports to Vietnam decreased by 0.4 p.p. compared to 2021 (it was 7.32% in 2021 and cumulative imports to Vietnam were equal to $ 330 billion).
Imports of commodity group 8517 reached 20% of total imports of group "" to Vietnam in 2022 (imports of commodity group to Vietnam totalled $122 billion in 2022). The share of purchases of commodity group 8517 in imports of commodity group to Vietnam went down by 0.262 p.p. compared to 2021 (it was 20% in 2021, and imports of commodity group to Vietnam accounted for $118 billion).
Top trading partners (import of "Electrical apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy, including line telephone sets with cordless handsets and telecommunication apparatus for carrier-current line systems or for digital line systems; videophones") of Vietnam in 2022: