Annual International Trade Statistics by Country (HS)
Publication date: 2024-01-28
Reporting period: 2002 - 2023
Timeseries: 194 million
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Zambia | Imports and Exports | World | Instruments and appliances used in medical, surgical, dental or veterinary sciences, including scintigraphic apparatus, other electro-medical apparatus and sight-testing instruments | Value (US$) and Value Growth, YoY (%) | 2012 - 2023

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The value of exports of commodity group 9018 "Instruments and appliances used in medical, surgical, dental or veterinary sciences, including scintigraphic apparatus, other electro-medical apparatus and sight-testing instruments" from Zambia totalled $ 154 thousand in 2023. Sales of commodity group 9018 from Zambia decreased by 46% in value terms compared to 2022. exports of commodity group 9018 "Instruments and appliances used in medical, surgical, dental or veterinary sciences, including scintigraphic apparatus, other electro-medical apparatus and sight-testing instruments" decreased by $ 136 thousand (cumulative exports of commodity group 9018 from Zambia amounted $291 thousand in 2022)

Exports of commodity group 9018 "Instruments and appliances used in medical, surgical, dental or veterinary sciences, including scintigraphic apparatus, other electro-medical apparatus and sight-testing instruments" amounted to 0.001% of total exports from Zambia (cumulative merchandise exports from Zambia totalled $ 10.4 billion in 2023). The share of commodity group 9018 in total exports from Zambia decreased by 0.001 p.p. compared to 2022 (it was 0.002% in 2022 and cumulative exports from Zambia were equal to $ 11.6 billion).

Exports of commodity group 9018 amounted to 3.74% of total sales of group "" from Zambia in 2023 (the value of exports of commodity group from Zambia amounted to $4.14 million in 2023). The share of exports of commodity group 9018 in sales of commodity group from Zambia lowered by 6.15 p.p. compared to 2022 (it was 9.89% in 2022, and exports of commodity group from Zambia were $2.94 million).

Where does Zambia export Instruments and appliances used in medical, surgical, dental or veterinary sciences, including scintigraphic apparatus, other electro-medical apparatus and sight-testing instruments?

Top export destinations of "Instruments and appliances used in medical, surgical, dental or veterinary sciences, including scintigraphic apparatus, other electro-medical apparatus and sight-testing instruments" from Zambia in 2023:

  • Dem. Rep. Congo with a share of 31% (48 thousand US$)
  • Malawi with a share of 26% (41 thousand US$)
  • Zimbabwe with a share of 15.5% (24 thousand US$)
  • Tanzania with a share of 10.4% (16.1 thousand US$)
  • Botswana with a share of 5.56% (8.62 thousand US$)
  • South Africa with a share of 4.41% (6.84 thousand US$)
  • France with a share of 3.9% (6.05 thousand US$)
  • Japan with a share of 1.85% (2.87 thousand US$)
  • Congo - 384 US$

Exports structure of 9018 - Instruments and appliances used in medical, surgical, dental or veterinary sciences, including scintigraphic apparatus, other electro-medical apparatus and sight-testing instruments - from Zambia in 2023 represented by the following main commodity groups:

  • 66% (102 thousand US$): 901890 - Instruments & appls. used in medical/surgical/veterinary sciences, incl. other electro-medical app. & sight-testing instr., n.e.s. in 90.18
  • 26% (41 thousand US$): 901850 - Ophthalmic instr. & appls. n.e.s. in 90.18
  • 1.89% (2.93 thousand US$): 901813 - Magnetic resonance imaging app.
  • 1.85% (2.87 thousand US$): 901819 - Electro-diagnostic app. used in medical/surgical/dental/veterinary sciences ( functional exploratory examination/for checking physiological parameters), n.e.s. in 9018.1
  • 1.81% (2.81 thousand US$): 901831 - Syringes, with/without needles
  • 1.64% (2.54 thousand US$): 901849 - Instruments & appls. used in dental sciences (excl. drills)
  • 0.247% (384 US$): 901832 - Tubular metal needles & needles for sutures

The value of imports of commodity group 9018 "Instruments and appliances used in medical, surgical, dental or veterinary sciences, including scintigraphic apparatus, other electro-medical apparatus and sight-testing instruments" to Zambia totalled $ 31 million in 2023. Sales of commodity group 9018 to Zambia decreased by 5% in value terms compared to 2022. imports of commodity group 9018 "Instruments and appliances used in medical, surgical, dental or veterinary sciences, including scintigraphic apparatus, other electro-medical apparatus and sight-testing instruments" decreased by $ 1.64 million (the value of imports of commodity group 9018 to Zambia was equal to $32 million in 2022)

Imports of commodity group 9018 "Instruments and appliances used in medical, surgical, dental or veterinary sciences, including scintigraphic apparatus, other electro-medical apparatus and sight-testing instruments" accounted for 0.307% of total import flow to Zambia (in 2023, total imports to Zambia amounted to $ 10.1 billion). The share of commodity group 9018 in total imports to Zambia decreased by 0.054 p.p. compared to 2022 (it was 0.362% in 2022 and cumulative imports to Zambia were equal to $ 9.04 billion).

Imports of commodity group 9018 reached 31% of total imports of group "" to Zambia in 2023 (imports of commodity group to Zambia totalled $98 million in 2023). The share of purchases of commodity group 9018 in total imports of commodity group to Zambia increased by 1.82 p.p. compared to 2022 (it was 29% in 2022, and imports of commodity group to Zambia accounted for $109 million).

Where does Zambia import Instruments and appliances used in medical, surgical, dental or veterinary sciences, including scintigraphic apparatus, other electro-medical apparatus and sight-testing instruments from?

Top trading partners (import of "Instruments and appliances used in medical, surgical, dental or veterinary sciences, including scintigraphic apparatus, other electro-medical apparatus and sight-testing instruments") of Zambia in 2023:

  • China with a share of 25% (7.83 million US$)
  • India with a share of 19.8% (6.17 million US$)
  • United Kingdom with a share of 19.2% (6 million US$)
  • South Africa with a share of 12.4% (3.88 million US$)
  • USA with a share of 5.44% (1.69 million US$)
  • United Arab Emirates with a share of 3.82% (1.19 million US$)
  • Korea with a share of 2.8% (875 thousand US$)
  • Netherlands with a share of 1.54% (481 thousand US$)
  • Hong Kong with a share of 1.51% (471 thousand US$)
  • Denmark with a share of 1.43% (448 thousand US$)

Imports structure of 9018 - Instruments and appliances used in medical, surgical, dental or veterinary sciences, including scintigraphic apparatus, other electro-medical apparatus and sight-testing instruments - to Zambia in 2023 represented by the following main commodity groups:

  • 56% (17.4 million US$): 901890 - Instruments & appls. used in medical/surgical/veterinary sciences, incl. other electro-medical app. & sight-testing instr., n.e.s. in 90.18
  • 19.8% (6.17 million US$): 901839 - Catheters, cannulae and the like
  • 9.94% (3.09 million US$): 901831 - Syringes, with/without needles
  • 4.12% (1.28 million US$): 901820 - Ultra-violet/infra-red ray app. used in medical/surgical/dental/veterinary sciences
  • 2.44% (763 thousand US$): 901812 - Ultrasonic scanning app.
  • 2.18% (682 thousand US$): 901813 - Magnetic resonance imaging app.
  • 1.98% (619 thousand US$): 901832 - Tubular metal needles & needles for sutures
  • 1.74% (545 thousand US$): 901850 - Ophthalmic instr. & appls. n.e.s. in 90.18
  • 0.677% (211 thousand US$): 901819 - Electro-diagnostic app. used in medical/surgical/dental/veterinary sciences ( functional exploratory examination/for checking physiological parameters), n.e.s. in 9018.1
  • 0.676% (210 thousand US$): 901811 - Electro-cardiographs

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Zambia | Imports and Exports | World | Instruments and appliances used in medical, surgical, dental or veterinary sciences, including scintigraphic apparatus, other electro-medical apparatus and sight-testing instruments | Value (US$) and Value Growth, YoY (%) | 2012 - 2023