Annual International Trade Statistics by Country (HS)
Publication date: 2024-01-28
Reporting period: 2002 - 2022
Timeseries: 194 million
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Russia | Imports and Exports | World | Seeds, fruit, spores, of a kind used for sowing | Value (US$) and Value Growth, YoY (%) | 2018 - 2020

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Trade flow
1209. Seeds, fruit and spores, of a kind used for sowingRussiaWorldExportsValue (US$)12,029,435.339,488,527.8514,147,299.01
Value Growth, YoY (%)23.07-21.1249.09
ImportsValue (US$)215,050,125.67199,532,407.36229,615,300.49
Value Growth, YoY (%)5.11-7.2115.07

The value of exports of commodity group 1209 "Seeds, fruit and spores, of a kind used for sowing" from Russia totalled $ 14.1 million in 2020. Sales of commodity group 1209 from Russia went up by 49% compared to 2019: exports of commodity group 1209 "Seeds, fruit and spores, of a kind used for sowing" went up by $ 4.65 million (cumulative exports of commodity group 1209 from Russia amounted $9.48 million in 2019)

Exports of commodity group 1209 "Seeds, fruit and spores, of a kind used for sowing" amounted to 0.004% of total exports from Russia (cumulative merchandise exports from Russia totalled $ 337 billion in 2020). The share of commodity group 1209 in total exports from Russia increased by 0.001 p.p. compared to 2019 (it was 0.002% in 2019 and cumulative exports from Russia were equal to $ 426 billion).

Exports of commodity group 1209 amounted to 0.865% of total sales of group "" from Russia in 2020 (the value of exports of commodity group from Russia amounted to $1.63 billion in 2020). The share of exports of commodity group 1209 in sales of commodity group from Russia lowered by 0.068 p.p. compared to 2019 (it was 0.934% in 2019, and exports of commodity group from Russia were $1.01 billion).

Where does Russia export Seeds, fruit and spores, of a kind used for sowing?

Top export destinations of "Seeds, fruit and spores, of a kind used for sowing" from Russia in 2020:

  • Belarus with a share of 25% (3.62 million US$)
  • Germany with a share of 19.9% (2.82 million US$)
  • Kazakhstan with a share of 16.6% (2.35 million US$)
  • Poland with a share of 8.95% (1.26 million US$)
  • Turkmenistan with a share of 6% (849 thousand US$)
  • Ukraine with a share of 3.69% (522 thousand US$)
  • Netherlands with a share of 2.83% (401 thousand US$)
  • Azerbaijan with a share of 2.05% (290 thousand US$)
  • Denmark with a share of 1.62% (229 thousand US$)
  • Italy with a share of 1.54% (218 thousand US$)

Exports structure of 1209 - Seeds, fruit and spores, of a kind used for sowing - from Russia in 2020 represented by the following main commodity groups:

  • 37% (5.33 million US$): 120929 - Seeds of forage plants; other than lucerne, clover, fescue, Kentucky blue grass, and rye grass seeds, of a kind used for sowing
  • 25% (3.56 million US$): 120991 - Vegetable seeds, of a kind used for sowing
  • 9.82% (1.38 million US$): 120910 - Sugar beet seed, of a kind used for sowing
  • 8.91% (1.26 million US$): 120921 - Lucerne (alfalfa) seed, of a kind used for sowing
  • 6.78% (959 thousand US$): 120923 - Fescue seed, of a kind used for sowing
  • 5.48% (776 thousand US$): 120922 - Clover (Trifolium spp.) seed, of a kind used for sowing
  • 3% (424 thousand US$): 120930 - Seeds of herbaceous plants cultivated princ. for their flowers, of a kind used for sowing
  • 2.63% (373 thousand US$): 120999 - Seeds, n.e.s. in heading no. 1209, of a kind used for sowing
  • 0.419% (59 thousand US$): 120925 - Rye grass (Lolium multiflorum Lam./perenne L.) seed, of a kind used for sowing
  • 0.019% (2.8 thousand US$): 120924 - Kentucky blue grass (Poa pratensis L.) seed, of a kind used for sowing

The value of imports of commodity group 1209 "Seeds, fruit and spores, of a kind used for sowing" to Russia totalled $ 229 million in 2020. Sales of commodity group 1209 to Russia went up by 15% compared to 2019: imports of commodity group 1209 "Seeds, fruit and spores, of a kind used for sowing" went up by $ 30 million (the value of imports of commodity group 1209 to Russia was equal to $199 million in 2019)

Imports of commodity group 1209 "Seeds, fruit and spores, of a kind used for sowing" accounted for 0.099% of total import flow to Russia (in 2020, total imports to Russia amounted to $ 231 billion). The share of commodity group 1209 in total imports to Russia increased by 0.018 p.p. compared to 2019 (it was 0.08% in 2019 and cumulative imports to Russia were equal to $ 247 billion).

Imports of commodity group 1209 reached 12.2% of total imports of group "" to Russia in 2020 (imports of commodity group to Russia totalled $1.87 billion in 2020). The share of purchases of commodity group 1209 in total imports of commodity group to Russia increased by 0.683 p.p. compared to 2019 (it was 11.5% in 2019, and imports of commodity group to Russia accounted for $1.72 billion).

Where does Russia import Seeds, fruit and spores, of a kind used for sowing from?

Top trading partners (import of "Seeds, fruit and spores, of a kind used for sowing") of Russia in 2020:

  • France with a share of 33% (76 million US$)
  • Germany with a share of 9.78% (22 million US$)
  • USA with a share of 9.07% (20 million US$)
  • Italy with a share of 7.71% (17.7 million US$)
  • Peru with a share of 5.69% (13 million US$)
  • Denmark with a share of 5.25% (12 million US$)
  • China with a share of 4.62% (10.6 million US$)
  • Netherlands with a share of 3.85% (8.85 million US$)
  • Tanzania with a share of 3.46% (7.96 million US$)
  • Chile with a share of 3.1% (7.13 million US$)

Imports structure of 1209 - Seeds, fruit and spores, of a kind used for sowing - to Russia in 2020 represented by the following main commodity groups:

  • 44% (102 million US$): 120991 - Vegetable seeds, of a kind used for sowing
  • 37% (85 million US$): 120910 - Sugar beet seed, of a kind used for sowing
  • 4.25% (9.77 million US$): 120930 - Seeds of herbaceous plants cultivated princ. for their flowers, of a kind used for sowing
  • 3.31% (7.61 million US$): 120929 - Seeds of forage plants; other than lucerne, clover, fescue, Kentucky blue grass, and rye grass seeds, of a kind used for sowing
  • 2.75% (6.31 million US$): 120999 - Seeds, n.e.s. in heading no. 1209, of a kind used for sowing
  • 2.4% (5.53 million US$): 120921 - Lucerne (alfalfa) seed, of a kind used for sowing
  • 2.14% (4.91 million US$): 120923 - Fescue seed, of a kind used for sowing
  • 1.26% (2.89 million US$): 120924 - Kentucky blue grass (Poa pratensis L.) seed, of a kind used for sowing
  • 1.09% (2.5 million US$): 120925 - Rye grass (Lolium multiflorum Lam./perenne L.) seed, of a kind used for sowing
  • 0.997% (2.29 million US$): 120922 - Clover (Trifolium spp.) seed, of a kind used for sowing

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Russia | Imports and Exports | World | Seeds, fruit, spores, of a kind used for sowing | Value (US$) and Value Growth, YoY (%) | 2018 - 2020